Thursday, July 5, 2012

Why are my impatiens dying?

Your impatiens bed seems to be melting away and it could be that it is being taken away by a disease called downy mildew. What was once a lush bed of flowers and foliage is now absent of petals and leaves and just bare stems. Impatiens downy mildew symptoms begin as a light-green yellowing or stippling of infected leaves. Very subtle gray lines or markings are sometimes observed on the top of the leaf. Infected leaves may curl downward at the edges, but generally this is a more advanced symptom of infection. Young plants and immature plant tissues are especially susceptible to infection. As such, leaf symptoms are often first observed on the younger or terminal growth. Seedling cotyledons are also highly susceptible to infection. Plants infected at an early stage of development may be stunted in both height and leaf size, yet may show no visible signs of sporulation if environmental conditions are not favorable for disease expression.

CLICK HERE for more information.

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